Time for growth

Our best opportunities for personal growth oftentimes come when we encounter difficult challenges. These may include economic hardships, setbacks, or “constructive” criticism. As we learn to grow because of difficulties — rather than in spite of them — we become motivated to continue our personal journey.

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The best

When we give people the benefit of the doubt, we open doors for more transparency and vulnerability in relationships. When we give up judgment and offer people grace, we allow ourselves additional peace of mind.

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We have heard it said many times that forgiveness is for one's own benefit, rather than the benefit of the one who offended us. The reason is obvious: allowing ourselves to dwell in negativity and resentment only holds us back from moving forward and progressing in our goals and in our self-improvement.

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Strong enough

We may complain about everyday aches and pains, but choosing to appreciate the strength and capabilities of our bodies allows us to maintain a more positive outlook, and subsequently enjoy life more fully.

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Learning to grow

We may have the attitude that challenges are simply unfortunate circumstances to overcome. But that attitude robs us of the opportunity to learn and grow from the experience of overcoming obstacles. For every conflict and challenge, consider how you can learn something useful from the situation.

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