There’s a Better Way to Parent: Less Yelling, Less Praise. By Joe Pinsker, The Atlantic

This article references parenting practices throughout the world, The author suggests that families who give children a “VIP Card” (ie, adults center their activities around their children) rather than a “Family Membership Card” (i.e., children are integrated into the family’s activities) do children a disservice. “In these fake, childlike worlds, the child is separated from reality in some ways—they don’t learn how to behave as an adult.”

Teaching social skills to youth 

This book is written by Boy's Town Press -- Boy's Town is a home for young kids and teens who have a variety of struggles, and this book has been updated many times over the years, and explain in detail the exact skills on which the houseparents are working with the children in care. These are tried - and - true, effective social skills that teens can use right away in a variety of situations.